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Eleven percentage points of separation: this is how much the difference in the employment rate between Italian graduates and diploma holders amounts to. The data comes from the latest Istat report and highlights that, between 25 and 64...
El año pasado se atendieron unas 2.200 solicitudes de ayuda
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Eine Lichtshow rund um die berühmte japanische Manga-Serie. 15 Minuten lang erleuchteten tausend Drohnen den Himmel und bildeten die Charaktere des Zeichentrickfilms und seiner futuristischen Gadgets
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Shorter, more intense, more frequent. It is the type of holiday that Italians show they prefer for this summer of 2024.According to the results of the research carried out on behalf of Federalberghi by the Tecnè company, they...
uno viene nueva "Barbie fashionista" al nombre deinclusión. Esta vez es uno Barbie ciega, para cuya creación Mattel colaboró con la Fundación Estadounidense para Ciegos (AFB)una organización dedicada a crear un mundo de infinitas posibilidades para personas con...
Die Zelt-der-Nationen-Farm in Bethlehem: „Wir weigern uns, Feinde zu sein“ ...
The auction includes Kobe Bryant's locker used during his career with the Los Angeles Lakers, a Diego Maradona jersey from the 1986 World Cup, Florence Griffith Jones' running sneakers and a Rafael Nadal tennis racket.Also up for...
Uno de cada tres es un niño. Don Aldo Bonaiuto: "Movilicémonos todos"
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DER'Kommunikationsgarantiebehörde (Agcom) hat zwei übernommen Sanktionen gegen Influencer und YouTube-Kanalbesitzer, der Videos verbreitete, um für Spiele und Wetten zu werben mit Bargeldgewinnen, was einen Verstoß gegen das im Würdedekret vorgesehene Verbot in dieser Angelegenheit darstellt. Die Bußgelder belaufen...
Not everyone leaves their hometown or hometown forever. There are those who return and there are many who do so. And not only do they return, but they change their way of living in their place of origin...